RF Microneedling

Treatment combining radiofrequency energy and micro-needling, the Potenza™, addresses a wide range of skin concerns, including wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin texture, resulting in a smoother, tighter, and more rejuvenated complexion.

Full Face

AUD 800 - 1 session
AUD 2,100 - 3 sessions

Full face + décolletage

AUD 1,000 - 1 session
AUD 2,700 - 3 sessions

Chest, back, abdomen or half limb.

AUD 800 - 1 session
AUD 2,100 - 3 sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is RF microneedling?
RF microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that combines the benefits of micro-needling and radiofrequency energy to promote collagen production, tighten the skin, and improve various skin concerns, such as wrinkles, scars, and uneven texture.

At BHC Aesthetics, we use the Cynosure Potenza™, the most versatile and advanced radiofrequency (RF) microneedling system available, combining the benefits of both RF energy and microneedling techniques. It represents a non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment option for both skin rejuvenation and body contouring.

The Potenza™ utilises small, ultra-fine needles to create microscopic punctures in the skin's surface. These needles deliver controlled radiofrequency energy into the deeper layers of the skin, promoting much greater collagen and elastin production than typical microneedling methods. 

What sets the Potenza™ apart is the scope of its treatment customisation options. These include being able to vary the needle depth, RF frequency (1 or 2 mHz), current type (monopolar versus bipolar) and the choice between 9 different multi-needle arrays of various densities.

Its capabilities allow for more specific tailoring of treatment approaches and targeting of specific skin layers.
What are the benefits?
  • Intense and sustained collagen and elastin stimulation
  • Improvements in skin firmness, elasticity, and overall texture
  • Reduction in skin pore size
  • Reduction in the visibility of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars
What is the discomfort level
Mild to moderate, a topical anaesthetic is applied prior to the procedure.
Who can receive it?
Anyone, unless pregnant or breastfeeding. 2 week interval required after any prior injectables
What is the expected downtime?
Minimal, depending on the intensity of the treatment and individual skin sensitivity.  After Potenza therapy, it is common to experience temporary redness, mild swelling, and pinpoint bleeding subsiding usually within a few hours to days.

Before & After

Looking for something else?

Wrinkle Reduction

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles with wrinkle reduction therapy. Safe and effective, this quick, virtually painless treatment delivers natural-looking results in days.

Volume Restoration

Restore volume, smoothen lines, contour cheeks/jawlines, and plump lips for a natural, youthful look with minimal downtime.

Scar Removal

Reduce the appearance of scars from acne, injuries and previous surgery in just a few quick treatments.

Discover your path to your best self

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